[NHCOLL-L:2983] Belgian Congo Mollusk Types on-line

Marla Coppolino marlacop at amnh.org
Mon Mar 6 09:23:12 EST 2006

Dear Colleagues,

The Malacology section of the American Museum of Natural History is pleased 
to announce the introduction of web pages to represent its Mollusca 
material collected during the Museum's Belgian Congo Expedition, 
1909-1915.  The mollusk "galleries" in this site bring together images of 
the types, as well images of original labels, catalogue cards, original 
description, and other related material.


Please check the site periodically, as additions and updates will be made 
to the mollusk "galleries".

These pages were created by Marla Coppolino, Collections Assistant in AMNH 
Malacology, with grateful thanks to Jason Larimer for the images of types 
taken with a Microptics system.

Marla L. Coppolino
Scientific Assistant
Division of Invertebrate Zoology, Section Malacology
American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY  10024-5192
E-mail:  marlacop at amnh.org
Tel:  212-769-5720
Fax: 212-769-5277

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