[NHCOLL-L:3066] Adhesives for Paleontology Workshop, CCI

Gregory Brown gbrown1 at unl.edu
Tue May 9 11:34:34 EDT 2006

Adhesives for Paleontology Collections
Advanced Professional Development Workshop 
October 16-17, 2006

In conjunction with the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 2006 Annual
Conference in Ottawa, the Canadian Conservation Institute is offering a
two-day workshop on adhesives for paleontology collections.

This 2-day workshop will combine scientific lectures on various
adhesives of interest to the paleontology community with practical
hands-on sessions. The workshop will be held at Parks Canada, 1800
Walkley Road.

Lecture topics:
An introduction to adhesives and bonding 
Properties of a good adhesive for conservation with specific reference
to paleontology collections 
CCI research on the degradation of cyanoacrylate adhesives in the
presence and absence of fossil material; on poly(vinyl acetate) and
acrylic adhesives; and on epoxy resin adhesives 
An overview of poly(vinyl butryal)s 

Practical hands-on sessions:
Comparing various adhesives (i.e. cyanoacrylates, PVACs, acrylics, epoxy
resins and PVBs) on fossil (and other) material 
Measuring the pH of fossil material 
Calculating the force on a bond 
Examining various adhesive additives

For additional information and for registration procedures, please see:

Posted by:
Gregory Brown
Chair, SVP Preparators Committee
gbrown1 at unl.edu 

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