[NHCOLL-L:3252] 2007 short courses announcement - please distribute

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Mon Nov 27 08:08:07 EST 2006

Upcoming Online Museum Classes:
Look for our complete 2007 Online Museum Classes Schedule in early December 
2006. We've added courses on security, collections management, care of 
specific materials and archaeology. The first three months of 2007 are 
posted on our web site, www.museumclasses.org .

New Short Courses
New to www.museumclasses.org this year are short courses - one week on one 
topic. For those of you on a budget, the short courses give you a taste of 
our full classes. Participants receive course readings at the beginning of 
the month. This provides a week to bone up before an "Ask the Experts" chat 
at 11 a.m. Eastern Time (New York) the second Wednesday of each month. Be 
prepared to participate  your questions and comments make this a rich 
experience. No more than 20 participants can join, so sign up early to 
reserve a place.

The first three Short Courses of 2007 are:

MS 001 The Problem with Plastics
As we march boldly toward the 22nd century, artifact collecting includes 
that most fragile of materials - plastic. Not only is it in our 
collections, but it's used to house our collections, too. What problems 
have you seen? What problems have others seen? What materials are best? 
What can we, as caretakers, do to minimize long-term damage? Join Helen for 
our first mini-course of the season. Bring any questions you have about 
plastics in your museum.

MS 008: Buy-In: Getting All of the Staff to Support Preservation
All too often, preservation is left to one or two staff members and others 
believe it doesn't apply to them. Everyone must buy into the notion of 
preservation. But how? Readings will introduce some ideas and participants 
in this course will brainstorm with Helen Alten and others about what 
works, what might work - and what doesn't.

MS 002: Collection Protection  Are you Prepared?
Disaster planning is overwhelming. Where do you start? Talk to Terri 
Schindel about how to get going. Use her checklist to determine your level 
of preparedness. What do you already have in place? Are you somewhat 
prepared? What can you do next? Participants in Collection Protection will 
read literature and complete a checklist before joining a one-hour chat to 
discuss disaster preparedness at their institutions.

Short courses take about 10 hours of a student's time.  Their cost is $75.

Please sign up at http://www.museumclasses.org and pay at 
http://www.collectioncare.org/tas/tas.html If you have trouble with either, 
please contact Helen Alten at helen at collectioncare.org .
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