[NHCOLL-L:3254] John Mohr slide collection

Kathy Omura komura at nhm.org
Mon Nov 27 17:48:01 EST 2006

Hi all,

We're curating a slide collection from John Mohr. Majority of the  
specimens are opalinids (~3,000+ slides) although he did study a  
variety of things such as whale lice and copepods, we have those  
slides too. I was hoping to chat with a few experts in the field so I  
could get a better handle on who might be interested in these slides  
and the importance of this collection. Most of the slides are in good  
condition but there is very little accompanying data.
Please e-mail me off the listserv.
Thanks, Kathy

Kathy Omura
Collection Manager
Marine Biodiversity Processing Center
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
komura at nhm.org
(213) 763-3386

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