[NHCOLL-L:3196] wet molluscan collection

mandybenke at aol.com mandybenke at aol.com
Tue Sep 26 08:22:11 EDT 2006

Dear all, 
I am currently trying to establish a wet molluscan collection. The specimens should be stored in 80% ethanol and at –20°C in order to use them for DNA isolation (also after several years). If there is someone with long running experience in such a collection I would be very grateful for any kind of advice. Especially the material of the vials/jars and their storage in racks is of interest. Where can I order suitable jars in different sizes? Furthermore I am looking for a software to manage all collection data.
Thanks for your help.
Mandy Benke
Department of Animal Ecology & Systematics
Justus-Liebig University 
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32 (IFZ)
35392 Giessen (Germany)
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