[NHCOLL-L:3197] AAM Workshop on Writing a Collections Management Policy

Elizabeth Merritt emerritt at aam-us.org
Tue Sep 26 13:19:14 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

AAM is pleased to offer "Best Practices in Collections Stewardship:
Writing a Collections Management Policy" to be held January 12-13,
hosted by the California Academy of Sciences. Led by John Simmons,
Collections Manager, Natural History Museum & Biodiversity Research
Center and Director, Museum Studies Program at the University of Kansas,
and Elizabeth Merritt, Director, Museum Advancement & Excellence of the
American Association of Museums. Agenda and registration form are
available at

Registration is limited, so I recommend you register before the closing
date of January 5th.

This seminar is based on the new AAM best-seller by Mr. Simmons. "Things
Great and Small: Collections Management Policies" is the first
comprehensive review of the topic, complete with sections from sample
policies. It is available from the AAM Bookstore at
http://www.aam-us.org/bookstore/detail.cfm?id=721. The book and the
seminar were developed in collaboration with the Registrars Committee of
the AAM.

I hope to see many of you in San Francisco.


Elizabeth Merritt 
Director, Museum Advancement & Excellence 
AAM Staff Liaison to the RC-AAM
SPNHC Liaison to the RC-AAM
American Association of Museums 
1575 Eye Street N.W., Suite 400 
Washington, DC 20005 
Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo(tm)2007
May 13- 17 Chicago, IL

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