[NHCOLL-L:3286] Fluid Collection Issues

Garner, Heath heath.garner at ttu.edu
Wed Jan 17 14:26:51 EST 2007

Dear all:


We're in the process of moving our fluid-preserved and we've run across
a couple of issues that I'm hoping others have dealt with favorably.


The first is that our fluid collection consists of a mix of formalin,
Ethanol, or Iso-propanol preserved specimens. While at a later date we
will likely transfer many of these specimens to an Ethanol preserve,
right now we only have time and resources to top the jars off as we move
them. Unfortunately, many of the older jars have no indicator as to the
preserving fluid. While I can certainly tell the difference between
formalin and an alcohol, it becomes hard to "smell" the difference
between Ethanol and Iso-propanol after your 10th or 20th waft. Does
anyone have any suggestions how to best tell the difference between
Ethanol and Iso-propanol besides the smell test?


Also, we will be changing out the lids on some of our older fluid
collection jars and I was wondering whether or not anyone has a
recommendation as to which jar lid liner would be best to use. We have
been using a polypropylene lid with a polyethylene foam liner, but are
there thoughts on using Teflon faced PE liners or something different?
And do you have a company you prefer to order from (good deals on bulk
sales, etc)?


Thanks in advance!






Heath J. Garner

Curator of Collections

Natural Science Research Laboratory (NSRL)

Museum of Texas Tech University

3301 4th Street

Lubbock, TX 79409-3191

voice: (806) 742-2486

fax: (806) 742-0362



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