[NHCOLL-L:3623] Re: Natural history museum (fish systematics) Listservers in Japan

Mariko Kageyama aspeciosus at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 31 20:56:53 EDT 2007

One of the largest listservs for systematic biologists in Japan is TAXA administered by the Union of Japanese Societies for Systematic Biology. There are over 800 subscribers, mainly university and museum-based taxonomists and evolutionary biologists, including ichthyologists. Messages are posted primarily in Japanese or in English with Japanese translation. Try contacting the list-owner, Dr. Nobuhiro Minaka (taxa-admin@ml.affrc.go.jp) for further assistance.


Mariko Kageyama
Collections Manager, Vertebrate Zoology
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
265 UCB
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0265

----- Original Message ----
From: Willem Coetzer <w.coetzer at ru.ac.za>
To: NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 1:46:08 AM
Subject: [NHCOLL-L:3616] Natural history museum (fish systematics) Listservers in South America, Europe, China, Japan,
 Australia/New Zealand?





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Good day


Does anyone know of large listservers (well-subscribed) in South
America, Europe, China ,
 Japan and
Australia/New Zealand?  We need to reach as many people as we can who are
active in fish taxonomy and systematics, or at least in the area of natural
history museum collections.  If anyone knows of listservers dedicated to
fish systematics (preferably all fish, but even specific taxa) that are within
the NHCOLL-L ‘distribution range’, that would also be useful information.


I searched the L-Soft Catalog for ‘fish’ and this
resulted in quite a few lists created for the purposes of sharing ‘fish
camp’ experiences, but also EUROFISH-L at NIC.MUSEUM. ‘Taxonomy’
didn’t produce very promising results.  ‘Systematics’
resulted in CICHLID-L at NIC.MUSEUM,
which looks very useful.


Perhaps there are lists / discussion fora(ums) that do not
employ the Listserv software.  


Thank you


Willem Coetzer

GIS and Information Management

South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity



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