[NHCOLL-L:3943] Transporting Large Quantities of Dangerous Goods

Garner, Heath heath.garner at ttu.edu
Mon Aug 18 17:49:22 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I know recently shipping small quantities of Dangerous Goods such as specimens in Ethanol was discussed, but has anyone recently had to transport by vehicle larger quantities? We've found ourselves in need of transporting tens of thousands of ethanol-preserved mammal specimens, across several state lines. This would be about ~100 gallons full or possibly up to 2-5 gallons of residual if decanted. I was hoping someone has had to do this before and has some legal pointers? Or would the best route be to contract a hazardous freight shipping company? Any recommendations there?

Any ideas would be appreciated. Our university safety department more or less told me to follow IATA limited dangerous goods shipping and I know there has to be more to it.


Heath J. Garner
Curator of Collections
Natural Science Research Laboratory (NSRL)
Museum of Texas Tech University
3301 4th Street
Lubbock, TX 79409-3191
voice: (806) 742-2486
fax: (806) 742-0362

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