[NHCOLL-L:3795] Archaeological Artifacts course online March 31

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Wed Mar 12 17:44:42 EDT 2008

MS 215: Care of Archaeological Artifacts From the Field to the Lab
Instructor: Diana Komejan
Dates: March 31 through April 25, 2008
Price: $425
Location:  www.museumclasses.org

Archaeological finds come out of the ground fragile  and they often 
stay that way. Yet archaeologists and museum professionals have few 
clear guidelines for handling, moving, storing and displaying such 
materials. Participants in Care of Archaeological Artifacts From the 
Field to the Lab learn techniques for safely lifting and packing 
artifacts, safe transportation and temporary and permanent storage. 
The course also covers a broad range of excavation environments, 
including the Arctic, wet sites, tropical and temperate. Though Care 
of Archaeological Artifacts is not intended to train archaeological 
conservators, it is designed to help participants understand what can 
and can't be done to save the artifacts they unearth.

Course Outline
1.  The Excavation -  lifting, storing and packing
2.  The Field Lab -  basic cleaning and care, the role of the site conservator
3.  Transportation - containers, packaging, transport mechanics
       4.  Storage -  temporary to long term

Participants in Care of Archaeological Artifacts work through 
sections at their own pace. Instructor Diana Komejan is available for 
scheduled email support. Materials and resources include online 
literature, slide lectures and dialog between students and online 
chats led by the instructor. The course is limited to 20 participants.

Care of Archaeological Artifacts runs four weeks. Please enroll at 
www.museumclasses.org and pay for the course at 
http://www.collectioncare.org/tas/tas.html. If you have trouble 
completing an on-line order, please contact Helen Alten at 
helen at collectioncare.org.

Student Comments:

The Instructor:
Diana Komejan graduated from Sir Sandford Fleming College in 1980 
with a diploma in Art Conservation Techniques. She has worked as a 
conservator with Parks Canada at the Fortress of Louisbourg National 
Historic Site in Nova Scotia and the Halifax conservation lab, where 
she worked on archaeological and historic artifacts from across east 
coast Canada. Diana also interned at the Kelsey Museum of Ancient and 
Medieval History in Ann Arbor, Mich. and spent 12 years as 
conservator with the Yukon Government in Whitehorse. In addition to 
lab treatments, Diana has broad archaeological experience, including 
the excavation of mammoths and dinosaur tracks. Diana now operates a 
private conservation business.
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