[NHCOLL-L:4307] request from Majken Schimmel

Llyn Sharp llyn at vt.edu
Tue Apr 28 17:28:53 EDT 2009

...in case anyone is "spring cleaning",,,
To whom it may concern,
My name is Majken Schimmel, and I am a first-year Master's student at  
Tech in the Geosciences department.
I am looking at predation traces in Eocene Brachiopods and Echinoids  
from the Castle Hayne Limestone in North Carolina for my thesis.  So  
far, we have collected about 500 specimens and are planning another  
collection trip, but I have only been able to process 200 of these due  
to my diminishing supply of specimen boxes.  To buy all the boxes I  
would need would be very expensive, and my adviser, Michal Kowalewski,  
does not currently have any money to buy them for me.
I was hoping that you can help me out by donating your surplus and  
recycled specimen trays/boxes to me.
The most helpful sizes would be the 2*3 in. and 3*4 in. boxes,  
anything larger would be a waste of space.  Thank you, and I  
appreciate it!

Majken Schimmel
M.S. Candidate
Virginia Tech Geosciences
4044 Derring Hall (0420)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
majken5 at vt.edu

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