[NHCOLL-L:4372] Barcodes vs. RFID's

Del Re, Christine delre at mpm.edu
Wed Jul 1 13:54:56 EDT 2009

We at MPM would like to know which other museums are now using barcodes,
or RFID's on/in individual collection items?  Does anyone favor one
system over the other?  Also, for those using barcodes, is the
preference to link a generic barcode number to an artifact via a data
base, or to make the barcode the actual artifact number?


Any thoughts or references would be appreciated




	Christine del  Re | Senior Conservator &  Conservation Section
Milwaukee Public Museum
800 W Wells Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 278-2780
delre at mpm.edu <mailto:gruber at mpm.edu> 
www.mpm.edu <http://www.mpm.edu/> 

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