[NHCOLL-L:4700] RE: Datamax printer software

Bentley, Andrew Charles abentley at ku.edu
Thu Feb 4 14:26:42 EST 2010



If you have a collections management databasing system that can generate reports (like Specify - www.specifysoftware.org <http://www.specifysoftware.org/>  - I notice that Chicago Academy of Sciences is on our client list.  Are you still using it?), then you do not require any "other" software to generate labels etc.


The Datamax printers can be rather finicky to set up but you should be able to print from virtually anything (Word, Excel) to it.  The trick is to ensure that your page size is set correctly for the media.  I presume you are using the media tag from Alpha Systems, in which case you will need to set your page to 4 inches wide and how ever long you wish your label to be, thereby producing labels as their own separate page.  There are also other settings that can assist in ensuring that you get good, consistent print.


I would be happy to help if you want to give me a ring.



   A  :             A  :             A  :
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Andy Bentley
Ichthyology Collection Manager/Specify Usability Lead
University of Kansas
Natural History Museum & Biodiversity Research Center
Dyche Hall
1345 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS, 66045-7593

Tel: (785) 864-3863
Fax: (785) 864-5335
Email: ABentley at ku.edu       
   A  :             A  :             A  :
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From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Dawn Roberts
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 6:49 PM
To: NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu
Subject: [NHCOLL-L:4697] Datamax printer software


We have a Datamax I-4308 thermal printer with no software so are looking into our options. We've been playing with trial versions of "Nicelabel" and "Bartender" but they are both rather clunky and our attempts at sending files from a word program have not been terribly successful. Does anyone have any recommendations for decent software or have you created your own templates that "play nice" with this printer?


Thank you,



Dawn Roberts
Collections Manager
Chicago Academy of Sciences
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
2430 North Cannon Drive

Chicago, IL 60614

Collections Facility and Office:
4001 North Ravenswood Avenue, Suite 201

Chicago, IL 60613

Phone:  773-525-2164
Fax:  773-755-5199
droberts at naturemuseum.org


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