[NHCOLL-L:4716] REMINDER: SPNHC's Travel Grant Program for the 2010 SPNHC & CBA-ABC Joint Conference

Jean-Marc Gagnon JMGAGNON at mus-nature.ca
Tue Feb 23 14:52:11 EST 2010

Deadline is fast approaching!

SPNHC's Travel Grant Program

The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC)
is pleased to announce a NEW Travel Grant Program designed to assist
members with the costs of attending the Society's annual meeting. The
first grants will be available for attendance at the 2010 Annual Meeting
of the Society in Ottawa. 

Applicants must be members of the Society. Preference will be given to
graduate students or emerging professionals in fields related to the
management and conservation of natural history collections. 

A total of $3,000 has been allocated to the program and grants will be
for a minimum of $750 USD each. The deadline for application is March
31st, 2010. Some conditions apply.

To find out more about this exciting program and how to apply, visit 





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