[NHCOLL-L:4874] Museum Cleaning Basics online class starts Monday

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Fri Jul 16 11:06:13 EDT 2010

  *Museum Cleaning Basics online class*
Starting Next Monday, July 19, 2010 at www.museumclasses.org

Cleaning a triceratopsCobwebs in the gallery, dust on the dinosaur 
skeleton, mice in storage - a dirty museum results in poor visitor 
experience and poor collections preservation. In a museum, cleanliness 
really is next to godliness.

Museum Cleaning Basics 
explores everything you need to know about cleaning your collections and 
collections areas. Participants learn when to clean - and when not to 
clean. They also learn how to make those decisions. Topics range from 
basic housekeeping to specific techniques for specific objects. You will 
learn why cleaning is important and how to prevent damage when cleaning. 
We will look at specific techniques that minimize damage while getting 
the work done. And we will discuss when to call in a specialist, such as 
a conservator. Students will create a housekeeping manual for their 

To sign up for the course, go to http://www.collectioncare.org/training/trol_classes_ms217a.html

Helen I. Alten
Northern States Conservation Center

Helen I. Alten
Northern States Conservation Center

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