[NHCOLL-L:5268] life animals

John Grehan jgrehan at sciencebuff.org
Fri Feb 18 10:17:37 EST 2011

Do any of the institutions on this list that have both live animals
(including both vertebrates and invertebrates) housed in the same
building as biological collections and/or exhibits have any defined
categories of how the live animals are ranked or classified with respect
to their actual or potential threat to the collections or to public
health. I would be very interested to receive copies of such
policies/protocols as we are in the process of assigning threat levels
to the organisms that we have, or may have in the future, at our museum.


John Grehan

Dr. John R. Grehan
Director of Science and Research
Buffalo Museum of Science
1020 Humboldt Parkway
Buffalo, NY 14211-1193

email: jgrehan at sciencebuff.org
Phone: (716) 896-5200 ext 372
Fax: (716) 897-6723


Ghost moth research

Human evolution and the great apes


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