[NHCOLL-L:5172] Fwd: Join Us for Museums Advocacy Day 2011

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Wed Jan 12 18:52:31 EST 2011

Catharine  Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church VA 22043-3026  USA
t/f 703.876-9272
mobile 703.200.4370  

 From: kym at GWU.EDU
Sent: 1/12/2011  1:48:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Fwd: Join Us for Museums Advocacy  Day 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: American Association of Museums <_communications at aam-us.org_ 
(mailto:communications at aam-us.org) >
Date:  Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:28 PM
Subject: Join Us for Museums Advocacy Day  2011
To: _kym at gwu.edu_ (mailto:kym at gwu.edu) 

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Help Your Institution, Help the  Field!

"Museum Advocacy  Days paid off for my organization and my career  as a 
museum administrator! Attending set the  stage for our $250K Save Americas 
Treasures  grant."—Billye J. Chabot, former director,  Blount Mansion, 
Knoxville, Tenn.  

See how Museums  Advocacy Day, Feb. 28–March 1 in Washington,  D.C., can 
benefit your institution and you.  _Register  now_ 
ums.org/MuseumAdvocacyDay.htm) !
Museum  advocates and professionals from across the  nation will convene to 
be briefed on the issues,  hear from experts and learn how to effectively  
communicate with your elected  officials.
    *   Stand  side by side with fellow advocates from your  state and 
congressional district.  
    *   Get  valuable training and information about how to  engage your 
representatives and make the case  for museums.  
    *   Share a  powerful message with your members of Congress  and their 
staff on Capitol Hill about   issues affecting the museum field.  

Registration for AAM members is FREE! Not a  member? _Join now_ 
m-us.org/joinus/index.cfm) .



_2011 Annual  Meeting & MuseumExpo™_ 

May  22–25 •  Houston

1575 Eye St., NW, Suite 400 
Washington, D.C.  20005 
P: 202.289.1818 F: 202.289.6578 

Follow Us.

_Unsubscribe here._ 
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Kym S. Rice, Director, Museum Studies Program, George  Washington  

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