[NHCOLL-L:5174] Fossils in handling collections

Matt Larvan matt_larvan at hotmail.co.uk
Thu Jan 13 16:35:46 EST 2011

Apologies for cross posting. 
Does anyone have any experience obtaining and using real fossils for use in museum handling collections, primarily aimed at children? I work in a science museum in England and have been asked to add to our current palaeo handling collection, to accompany an exhibition over the summer. The current collection includes mainly casts of T. rex teeth, a raptor skull, Triceratops horn etc. I would like to add some real fossils as well, but am unsure how to start and get the balance between things that people will want to see and touch, and things that can withstand the handling. If anyone would like any more information, or has any advice or tips, please reply offlist. 
Matt Larvan 		 	   		  
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