[NHCOLL-L:5192] Call for Proposals to Host the 2011 TDWG Conference

Chuck Miller Chuck.Miller at mobot.org
Fri Jan 21 13:21:25 EST 2011

Dear all


First of all Happy New Year 2011 to all of you!  It's the UN
International Year of the Forest, the UNEP Year of the Bat and the
Chinese Year of the Rabbit. 


As the new Chair of Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) and on
behalf of the Executive Committee it is my pleasure to officially launch
the call for proposals to host the TDWG annual meetings for 2011-2013.


Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), also known as the Taxonomic
Databases Working Group, is a not for profit scientific and educational
association affiliated with the International Union of Biological
Sciences. Its mission is to:


* Develop, adopt and promote standards and guidelines for the recording
and exchange of data about organisms

* Promote the use of standards through the most appropriate and
effective means, and

* Act as a forum for discussion through meetings, Wiki, mail lists, and
open-access publications


More information is available at: www.tdwg.org <http://www.tdwg.org/> 


Key to achieving TDWG's mission is its annual meeting. We now call for
proposals to host the annual meetings for 2011, 2012 and 2013. We are
most keen to receive proposals for the 2011 meeting as soon as possible.
Proposals should be sent in electronic format to the TDWG Secretary at
secretary at tdwg.org. The Executive Committee will begin review of
proposals after February 18. Dates for review of the coming years will
be announced at a later time, but early proposals are welcomed.  Of
course, anyone interested to host the meeting beyond 2013 is welcome to
come forward.


The Conference Guidelines document at
elines.doc   provides background, requirements, expectations and a
template for a proposal to host a TDWG annual conference. It is not
necessary to copy exactly what has been done in previous years.
Proposals should be adapted to the local infrastructure and conditions
as long as they are in line with the proposal guidelines and


If you have any additional questions or need assistance, do not hesitate
to contact the TDWG Secretary, Patricia Mergen, at secretary at tdwg.org.


Schedule for Proposals:


February 18 - Executive Committee begins review of 2011 proposals.


March 1 - Announcement by the TDWG Executive Committee of the site of
the 2011 meeting.  Organizational activities for the meeting will begin
immediately thereafter. 


With my best wishes. 


Chuck Miller

TDWG Chair on behalf of the Executive Committee


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