[NHCOLL-L:5542] Crowdsourcing labels

Norris, Christopher christopher.norris at yale.edu
Tue Jul 12 10:57:56 EDT 2011

Would you consider using crowdsourcing methods to transcribe handwritten specimen labels? Are you horrified by the idea? Do you have any idea what crowdsourcing is?

Rob Guralnick from the University of Colorado is looking for feedback on this issue from the collections community. You can read more about it, and comment, by following this link:



Dr. Christopher A. Norris
Division of Vertebrate Paleontology
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
170 Whitney Ave.
PO Box 208118
New Haven, CT 06520-8118

Tel. +1(203)-432-3748
Fax. +1(203)-432-9816

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