[NHCOLL-L:5350] IATA training

Karen Lloyd karenjane.lloyd at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 20:55:20 EDT 2011

Dear all,
Can anyone recommend some reputable training companies for hazmat shipping
and handling? I need training in packing, labeling, naming, documentation
and shipping via air.  I have found some online classes, which I prefer, but
it is hard to tell whether they are reputable.
Any guidance would appreciated,
Thank you

Karen Lloyd
University of Colorado at Boulder Natural History Museum

karen.lloyd at colorado.edu <nicholas.underwood at colorado.edu>

Rocky Mountain Interdisciplinary History Conference

Museum Associate University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Boulder
A finished museum is a dead museum,
and a dead museum is a useless museum.

George Brown Goode, 1895
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