[NHCOLL-L:5737] fluid preservatives

Carolyn Rissanen crissanen at museumca.org
Mon Nov 28 18:15:44 EST 2011

Dear list - 
We are in the midst of a major gallery re-install, and there has been some discussion about putting wet specimens out as part of one of the new exhibits. The question came up about whether there was a safer alternative to de-natured alcohol or formalin as a preservative - a fluid that wouldn't be quite as hazardous should something happen to the jar. Doing a web search, someone came up with a 3M product: 3M Novec Engineered Fluid. Does anyone have any experience with this product? Do you have any advice concerning display of fluid preserved specimens? 


Carolyn Rissanen 
Registrar, Collections and Information Access 
Oakland Museum of California 

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