[Nhcoll-l] Leatherback turtle help needed

Becky Desjardins becky.desjardins at naturalis.nl
Fri Jun 21 05:58:28 EDT 2013

Hello all;

We have a leatherback turtle that was half prepared.  The bones and skin
were removed but the shell sat in the freezer for about 4 years, where it
curled dreadfully.  We uncurled it by soaking in 4% Formalin for a weekend,
and then dried it out flat for about a month.  It looks okay; it is nice
and flat, but it is really greasy.  There is still a fair amount of meat
under the shell, (15-20mm in some spots) but I really don't know how much
is safe to remove without damaging the integrity of the shell. Does anyone
have any suggestions?  Thank you!

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Becky Desjardins


T 071-5687544 , M 06-47922634

Darwinweg 2 - 2333 CR Leiden
E Becky.Desjardins at naturalis.nl I , www.naturalis.nl
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