[Nhcoll-l] Greetings from The Natural History Museum of Denmark

Majken Them Tøttrup mtottrup at snm.ku.dk
Fri Jun 28 06:26:16 EDT 2013

Dear all

As some of you might recall from the SPNHC meeting in Yale last year, the Natural History Museum of Denmark is going to build a new museum in the Botanical Garden of Copenhagen. As we are gathering four old institutions with different traditions in regard to almost everything, we are faced with a need - and an opportunity to centralize and standardize processes, produce written standards etc. 
Furthermore we will have a big move (approx. 14 mill. objects) in about 5-6 years' time, when the museum is finished.
Therefore I (and my colleagues) will be posting a lot of questions in the future regarding collection management, moving, conservation, best practice etc. 

We will look forward to being inspired by you all.
Thank you in advance J


If you are interested in learning more about the Danish museum project, take a look at the links below:
http://nyt.snm.ku.dk/projektkonkurrence/ - a short film (in Danish - sorry)


All the best



Majken Them Tøttrup

Collections Manager

Natural History Museum of Denmark

University of Denmark

Universitetsparken 15

DK-2100 Copenhagen



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