[Nhcoll-l] Mold in butterfly antennae - possible contamination of the collection

Luis Filipe Lopes llopes at museus.ul.pt
Mon Nov 25 05:46:02 EST 2013

Dear all,


I have recently started curating the insect collection here in the Museum
and I am starting to learn how to prepare the insects.

I have received a butterfly which I prepared but then I realized it had some
mold already growing in the antennae and eyes, though not much. 

I have meanwhile dried it at 55ºC for about 30 minutes and then for 3 days
at room temperature.


What I wanted to know is how to carry on regarding this issue? Is there a
way to clean it, or kill the mold? I imagine that freezing won’t cut for the

If I put it in a collection box will this potentially contaminate other
specimens? (I have been keeping the collection room at around 50% humidity)


In this case, it is not a rare specimen so if is a liability I can just
discard it. But what if was something important?


Thanks for your help!


Best regards.


Filipe Lopes


National Museum of Natural History and Science

Rua da Escola Politécnica, 56-58

1250-102 Lisboa


Telephone: +351213921855



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