[Nhcoll-l] Herbarium Vadense of the Wageningen University has closed

Utrup, Jessica jessica.bazeley at yale.edu
Mon Oct 28 09:17:34 EDT 2013

This is to inform you that the Herbarium Vadense (WAG) of the Wageningen University has closed down.

Beginning November 1 we will join the Leiden Herbarium (L), the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam and the National Natural History Museum Naturalis to form the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden. The collections of the Herbarium Utrecht (U) have already been incorporated in L.

We have started preparing the move of all collections to Leiden. The move will be finished at the end of this year.
Due to the short time for the preparations we will not be able to return any outstanding loans till the herbarium opens again in Leiden.
Any requests for loans will also not be handled until after the move to Leiden.

All existing collections and transactions (loans) will keep the acronym WAG. After January 1 all new collections and transactions will have the acronym L.

Starting immediately our new address is:
Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them. We hope to be of service again after January 1, 2014.
With kind regards,
Folkert Aleva

Folkert Aleva
Technical Curator
 (Chief Collections Manager)


J.F. Aleva (Mr.)
Naturalis Biodiversity Center (section NHN), Wageningen University
Please note change of address:
Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden
For parcels:
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden.
CITES Registration NL 004
Telephone +31 (0317) 483163/483160
Email: Folkert.Aleva at wur.nl<mailto:Folkert.Aleva at wur.nl>
Web: http://www.bis.wur.nl<http://www.bis.wur.nl/>
Naturalis Biodiversity Center is performing large scale digitization as well as rehousing of the collections of the former National Herbarium of the Netherlands (L, U, WAG, AMD). As a result, until 2015, parts of the herbarium collections may not be immediately accessible to visitors or available for loans. Therefore, we kindly ask you to plan your visits and loan requests well in advance and to always contact our staff through collectie at naturalis.nl<mailto:collectie at naturalis.nl> or folkert.aleva at wag.nl<mailto:folkert.aleva at wag.nl> for the Wageningen branch. We apologize for this inconvenience.

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