[Nhcoll-l] Experience with (which concentration of) DMDM Hydantoin for fixation?

Julian Carter Julian.Carter at museumwales.ac.uk
Mon Mar 3 09:38:49 EST 2014

Hi Sidsel,

I've been using DMDM Hydantoin (aka Dekafald) as a preserving medium for some years now, primarily to replace formaldehyde usage with display material. I follow Dries van Dam's experiences and use a 1:10 dilution of the stock solution. You are still using formaldehyde chemistry but at a very reduced percentage thus its more pleasant to work with and easier to deal with should there be a spill. In my experience the preserving solutions also hold a less acid pH. I'd certainly consider its use over straight formaldehyde in your school service specimens.

Best wishes

Jules Carter
Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales

From: nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu [mailto:nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of SIMON MOORE
Sent: 26 February 2014 10:50
To: Sidsel Marie Willemann; nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: Re: [Nhcoll-l] Experience with (which concentration of) DMDM Hydantoin for fixation?

Hi Sidsel,
This sounds like a good idea.  I am unfortunately inexperienced in the use of Dekafald as a fixative but the Steedman PFP is excellent if used in conjunction with the Steedman fixative which containes formalin but a reduced amount than the straight fixative 10% formalin solution.  However please bear in mind that the Steedman solutions were primarily devised for use with zooplankton as opposed to larger and more proteinaceous specimens.
Hopefully some others with experience of Dekafakd can advise further.

All the best, Simon (Moore)

From: Sidsel Marie Willemann <sidsel.willemann at snm.ku.dk<mailto:sidsel.willemann at snm.ku.dk>>
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, 25 February 2014, 22:50
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Experience with (which concentration of) DMDM Hydantoin for fixation?

Dear all,

For preparing specimens (amphibians and like) for the school service at the museum I work at, I need to use DMDM Hydantoin as a fixative instead of Formaldehyde as one usually does. This is due to health regulations (the children are to touch the specimens).. Does any of you have experience with using DMDM Hydantoin? - what concentration to make? Afterwards the specimens will be preserved in Steedmans PFP solution..

Best regards,

Sidsel Willemann

Natural History Museum of Denmark

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