[Nhcoll-l] Microscope Slide Labels

Barry OConnor bmoc at umich.edu
Wed May 20 10:22:09 EDT 2015

We use "Foilback labelstock sheets" from University Products in
Massachusetts. These also need to be individually cut (the backing paper is
scored for easy removal when the labels are cut into strips). Both the
paper and adhesive are archival, which should be a requirement for slide
labels in a permanent collection.  We have used other materials in the
past, but these either proved not to be archival (i.e. non-acid free
paper), or the adhesive didn't hold over a span of years. I'd also be
interested to know if there is a product that meets these requirements that
is also pre-cut into 1x1 inch squares.
All the best! - Barry

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Maureen Zubowski <maureenz at rom.on.ca>

>  Hello,
> For many years we have been using Jac label paper (offset smooth 8 1/2" x
> 11" sheets) with permanent adhesive (D2700) to create microscope slide
> labels on a laser printer. However, each label must be cut individually and
> this is very time consuming. I am looking for a sheet with 1" x 1"
> (square corner) labels with a similar adhesive. In over 25 years we have
> never had any problems with the Jac labels peeling off. Does anyone know a
> source for this label size with a good adhesive that will work long term?
> Thank you for any advice.
> Maureen Zubowski
> maureenz at rom.on.ca
> 416-586-8042
> Royal Ontario Museum
> Department of Natural History
> Invertebrate Zoology Section
> 100 Queen's Park
> Toronto, Ontario
> M5S 2C6
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.rom.on.ca_&d=AwMFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=3Cr3ngCkiPAvsRQ0MbHSAOev0QBmdgjNNSaVt-VA7ek&s=CobUwDCRRrrNJAeU2TUs5ISJKBzgwRqq_QpNzC6ctxA&e=>
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-So many mites, so little time!

Barry M. OConnor
Professor  & Curator
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan                  phone: 734-763-4354
1109 Geddes Ave.                          fax: 734-763-4080
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079          e-mail: bmoc at umich.edu
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