[Nhcoll-l] Macroinvert Collections

Starlene Loerch sloerch at astate.edu
Wed Aug 24 15:10:14 EDT 2016

Hello All,

I am in need of advise on accessioning macro-inverts into our collection. I have student/professor field notebooks with data, but I have questions about the specific ways in which I could/should organize the specimens.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. As this may lead to a lengthy conversation you can contact me by email, sloerch at astate.edu<mailto:sloerch at astate.edu>; or by phone (870) 253-9031.


Best wishes,
Star Loerch
Assistant Natural History Curator
Department of Biological Sciences
P.O. Box 599
State University, AR  72467
sloerch at astate.edu<mailto:sloerch at astate.edu>
(870) 253-9031

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