[Nhcoll-l] FW: [CRUST-L:9947] Mercuric chloride and sequencing

Kareen Schnabel Kareen.Schnabel at niwa.co.nz
Mon Jan 23 17:54:22 EST 2017

Good morning all, I thought this listserv may have some valuable input into my colleague’s query to the Crustacean listserv. Please see query below and please reply to Rachael Peart rachaelapeart at gmail.com<mailto:rachaelapeart at gmail.com>.

Dr Kareen Schnabel
Marine Biologist

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From: crust-l-request at vims.edu [mailto:crust-l-request at vims.edu] On Behalf Of Rachael Peart
Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2017 11:49 a.m.
To: crust-l at vims.edu
Subject: [CRUST-L:9947] Mercuric chloride and sequencing

Hi all,
I have come across some amphipod samples that were captured in traps using mercuric chloride.
I am curious to know if this chemical can affect molecular sequencing - ie COI or 18S?
Does it completely destroy the amounts, or do you get traces, or no damage?

Thanks in advance

Rachael Peart

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