[Nhcoll-l] Call for Abstracts, TDWG 2017 Symposium: Bridging Gaps between Biodiversity Informaticians and Collections Professionals

Little, Holly LittleH at si.edu
Mon Jul 3 09:23:51 EDT 2017


I’d like to invite you to submit an abstract to the TDWG 2017 symposium “Bridging Gaps between Biodiversity Informaticians and Collections Professionals”. I’ve included the description below. Registration and Abstract Submission for the meeting are now open. The deadline for initial submission is July 14th. For more information please see the call for abstracts found here https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tdwg.github.io_conferences_2017_call-2Dfor-2Dabstracts_&d=DwIGaQ&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=PgCSehehZyfZt1xDnsVPGyPwk_R9kgfFx2m84tcIKyI&s=nv7wzwZoDNcTXm-Pjjd_hDnp8Q5IFy0IaGGvlYDPAAM&e= . Example topics for this symposium include:

·         Key issues and future-casting for 2018 joint TDWG/SPNHC meeting

·         Implementation and applicability of DwC or other biodiversity data standards

·         Discipline specific approaches to establishing guidelines or best practices for collections data

·         Applications of informatics tools to collections

·         How has data quality flagging being done by aggregators led to improved data in a local database

·         Collaborations between informatics and collections staff (e.g. challenges, strategies, results)

TDWG is 1-6 October 2017, in Ottawa, Canada

If you have any questions please contact me at littleh at si.edu<mailto:littleh at si.edu>.

We’d love to have you at TDWG!

Bridging Gaps between Biodiversity Informaticians and Collections Professionals - TDWG 2017

The biodiversity informatics standards, tools, and resources developed by TDWG and its members are vital components in the daily work of curators and collections professionals in natural history museum collections. However, opportunities for communication and collaboration between these groups are too often rare and siloed. Therefore, building a mutual understanding of and solid collaboration about how biodiversity informatics concepts are developed and then how they are applied to the mobilization of collections data can be difficult. In 2018, the TDWG meeting will be held in conjunction with the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collection (SPNHC) meeting, providing an invaluable opportunity to address these issues. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the 2018 meeting it is important for each group to develop a better comprehension of the vernacular of the other. This symposium aims to bridge gaps in understanding between the biodiversity informaticians and the ways collections professionals use their work. It will provide examples of how collections are using TDWG standards, applicability statements, and best practices, as well as exploring where this community, along with discipline specific experts, can work to provide more controlled vocabularies for existing terms, participate in development activities of interest and task groups, and identify and contribute solutions to needs as yet unaddressed by current standards.

Holly Little
Informatics Specialist
Department of Paleobiology
w 202.633.5340 littleh at si.edu<mailto:littleh at si.edu>

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