[Nhcoll-l] Elephant Tusk Storage

Paige Langle plangle at sciencebuff.org
Wed Oct 17 15:22:43 EDT 2018

 Collections Folks:

We are amidst several rehousing projects within our Vertebrate Zoology
collection. The project in question regards an assortment of large elephant
tusks. The tusks are of varying lengths, widths, and curvature. We are
looking to store these tusks in a more space-efficient manner, and we would
find it most helpful to learn how other institutions have housed similar

If you are comfortable sharing photos of your recommended storage method
along with your description, we would find it especially constructive.

Thank you for your time and consideration!




 [image: cid:image001.png at 01D41AA2.3873BC00]


Collections Manager - Zoology | Buffalo Museum of Science, Tifft Nature

OFFICE  716 896 5200 x378

*Website <http://www.sciencebuff.org/>*

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