[Nhcoll-l] Update: Registration is open for the 4th Annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference

Nelson,Gil gnelson at floridamuseum.ufl.edu
Wed Feb 12 07:31:43 EST 2020

Subject: Update: Registration is open for the 4th Annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D5E176.7829BF10]<https://www.idigbio.org/content/digital-data-2020-harnessing-data-revolution-and-amplifying-collections-biodiversity>

Indiana University in collaboration with iDigBio and the Natural Sciences Collections Alliance is pleased to update our announcement of the fourth annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research conference, to be held 1-3 June 2020 at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

Registration is open:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/4th-annual-digital-data-in-biodiversity-research-conference-tickets-86931098255<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.eventbrite.com_e_4th-2Dannual-2Ddigital-2Ddata-2Din-2Dbiodiversity-2Dresearch-2Dconference-2Dtickets-2D86931098255&d=DwMFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=-DeN3HZj0Hb0vKtqmNM6xJyvWlG-EW6_J4YBXE1_ai4&m=ZtioizulSDNMwt4q2gj1waBuaaPLV_niSrNs2fMLAzk&s=e7RPOgapubn3Krbl-nsRMD-U5cZqVfscqJuGms7U7Fo&e=>

The conference wiki, which includes plenary and keynote speakers, a draft agenda, a list of Wednesday workshops and events, and lodging options is available at: https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/4th_Annual_Digital_Data_Conference,_Indiana_University
It will be continuously updated, so keep an eye on it.

Abstract submission is also open for oral and poster presentations and discussion sessions.
To submit an abstract: The link to submit can be found in your registration confirmation email from Eventbrite.
Abstract Deadline: 24 April 2020
General registration Deadline: 22 May 2020

Themes for oral presentations and posters might include:

  *   machine learning and artificial intelligence
  *   harnessing the data revolution
  *   published or publishable biodiversity research and data using digitized specimen information,
  *   methods and protocols for enhancing discovery with digitized specimen data,
  *   systematics and the use of digital specimen data,
  *   ongoing research projects that utilize digital data,
  *   gaps and deficiencies in currently available digital data that hinder effective use,
  *   user critiques of digital data, aggregators, and data providers,
  *   pipelines that integrate digitization, data use, and research,
  *   standards and practices for depositing and documenting open access digital datasets,
  *   the role and relevance of "Big Data" in biodiversity research,
  *   use of digitized biodiversity specimen data within ecological research and practice,
  *   the relative importance of vouchers vs. observations as digital data,
  *   managing digital biodiversity specimen data in support of research pipelines,
  *   analyzing and visualizing specimen-based and related digital data,
  *   digital biodiversity specimen data in education and outreach.

The planning team for the 2019 conference includes: from IU Kimberly Cook, Jennifer Laherty, Jess Miller-Camp, Rob Montoya, Gary Motz, and Angie Raymond, and from iDigBio David Blackburn, Jill Goodwin, and Gil Nelson.

For further information or to ensure that you are on the conference email list, please contact Jill Goodwin (jvgoodwin at fsu.edu<mailto:jvgoodwin at fsu.edu>) or Gil Nelson (gnelson at floridmuseum.ufl.edu<mailto:gnelson at floridmuseum.ufl.edu>) at iDigBio.

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