[Nhcoll-l] New Collection Lens Linnean Society Interview and a Botany Story from the Mountains of China

Brandy Watts bwatts at brit.org
Tue Oct 13 14:31:18 EDT 2020

Dear All,

I’m very pleased to share with you two new pieces from BRIT Library’s Collection Lens and Botany Stories series.

Collection Lens
Gina Douglas, Honorary Archivist of the Linnean Society of London, discusses her many fruitful and enriching years with the Linnean Society and the wonderful collections that she has worked with during her tenure.

Botany Stories
From the mountains of China, comes a botany story in search of Mertensia (Bluebells), of the Boraginaceae family. Through the summer of 2010, botanist Mare Nazaire Ph.D. of California Botanic Garden (RSA) conducted numerous field collecting trips throughout the alpine regions of China.

Very best,

Brandy Watts, MLIS, MFA | Librarian | BRIT | 817.332.4441 x 271 |817.463.4102 direct | 817.332.4112 fax | BRIT.org<http://www.brit.org/> | 1700 University Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76107-3400 USA | Think Before You Print

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