[Nhcoll-l] Natural history museum controversies?

Erik Åhlander Erik.Ahlander at nrm.se
Wed Oct 14 17:28:59 EDT 2020

Dear Derek,

This is only partly published, but may be of interest:

The Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm was founded in 1819. Gustaf von Paykull donated his collection (mainly birds and insects) to the state of Sweden on the condition that a National Museum was founded. The problem was that many of the specimens was stolen by von Paykull from other Swedish collections (maybe also in Germany and France) including from the Royal Swedish Academy Sciences which institution was to administer the museum and Paykull’s collection from the beginning and the following 150 years. Paykull probably burnt all documents concerning his collection and we still struggle to understand the origin of the specimens.

Erik Åhlander
vertebrate zoology and museum history

Swedish Museum of Natural History
PO Box 50007
SE-10405 Stockholm
+46 0 8 5195 4118
+46 0 70 225 2716
erik.ahlander at nrm.se

Från: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> För Derek Sikes
Skickat: den 14 oktober 2020 03:45
Till: ECN-L at listserv.unl.edu; nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
Ämne: [Nhcoll-l] Natural history museum controversies?

Do any of you know of any *published* natural history / science controversies in museums that are quite famous? These could range from taking on specimens or collections that are controversial, to research conducted by museums staff/curators that was deemed controversial, etc.

Ideally, I'd like a publication or documentary / video that has the details. No need to reply with unpublished accounts! & These should involve museum specimens (so no need to reply with stories of misbehaviors of museum personnel if specimens were not involved).



Derek S. Sikes, Curator of Insects
Professor of Entomology
University of Alaska Museum
University of Alaska Fairbanks
1962 Yukon Drive
Fairbanks, AK   99775-6960

dssikes at alaska.edu<mailto:dssikes at alaska.edu>

phone: 907-474-6278
FAX: 907-474-5469
University of Alaska Museum  -  search 400,276 digitized arthropod records

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