[Nhcoll-l] quantification of collection use

Luc Willemse luc.willemse at naturalis.nl
Tue Jan 5 11:00:08 EST 2021

Hi all,
I am interested in numbers, statistics and analysis linked to the use being
made of natural history collections. I have two questions for which some of
you may have some answers or suggestions.
1. To quantify collection use, often the number of visitors, visitor days
or loans are used as parameters. I welcome any suggestions as to where I
can find online or offline information with preferably long term reviews
including analysis of collection use based on these parameters
2. When it comes to quantifying collection use in more detail other
parameters may be required like the method of use (digital versus
physical), the time aspect (frequency, duration), the rationale behind the
use (taxonomy; DNA analysis; faunistics; ecology etc.) and the object(s)
used (a single specimen, a single species, a genus, all specimens of a
family etc.). Again I would welcome any suggestions where I can find online
or offline information with reviews including analysis of collection use
based on such parameters.

Wishing you all the best for 2021 and thank you for your time

Luc Willemse
Collectionmanager Orthopteroidea

+31717519351 - +31638471668
luc.willemse at naturalis.nl - www.naturalis.nl
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden
Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden

<https://www.naturalis.nl/over-ons> <https://www.naturalis.nl/lang-leve>
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