[Nhcoll-l] Mobile app for collection in the field

Eirik Rindal eirik.rindal at nhm.uio.no
Mon Jan 18 10:58:06 EST 2021

Dear All,

Thank you for your responses, we will conduct tests on all of the suggested apps to see which one (if any) fits our needs.

Currently on my list over possible apps are:

Nettskjema Bilde, Norwegian users only :-( 


Scan-It To Office,



GIS Collective 

Eirik Rindal, PhD

Natural History Museum
P.O. Box 1172
0318 Oslo 

Tlf: + 47 402 24 872 / 22 85 18 72

-----Original Message-----
From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Jutta Buschbom
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021 10:11 PM
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: Re: [Nhcoll-l] Mobile app for collection in the field

Dear Eirik,

our team is developing GIS Collective (https://giscollective.com/) for this purpose. The digital platform is allowing users to gather data in the field using maps and efficiently collaborate on projects.

The platform originated in the sustainability field and is already in use by the Open Green Map community (https://www.opengreenmap.org/home).
It enables diverse communities of users to collect, manage and visualize geospatial data with user-defined sets of attributes.

Currently, we are expanding its functionality for application in the biodiversity sciences and the seamless integration into their digital work flows. Our first use case is a country-level monitoring project of a pollinator species. We are looking for additional use cases.

If you are interested in using the app and becoming an early adopter, please contact us.

These are the platforms main principles and some technical information:
* Own your data! You can use the app as software-as-a-service or install it on your own server.
* Access management is implemented both for data and users.
* Import and export functionality, as well as, an API enable interoperability.
* The app currently runs in the browser with layouts for mobile devices.
The goal is to develop native mobile apps for online and offline use in the field.
* We aim for a user-friendly and modern experience both for digital non-natives and power-users.
* The software is open-source with a tiered license model. This includes a free license option providing the functionality needed by individual users and small teams.

Let me know if you need more information.

Best wishes,

Jutta Buschbom

Statistical Genetics

Dr. Jutta Buschbom
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse 35
22926 Ahrensburg

+49 (0)4102 459264
jutta.buschbom at statistical-genetics.de

[first name][last name]

On 14.01.21 06:56, Eirik Rindal wrote:
> Dear all,
> As a part of our digitization of the workflow in the Collections, we 
> are looking for a mobile app to capture data during fieldwork. So when 
> you collect a specimen, yu can use your cellphone to register data 
> about «coordinate, date, who collected» and so on. Does anyone have 
> any recommendations in this respect?
> We have had a look at the iNaturalist app and are looking for 
> alternativs to this.
> Sincerely,
> Eirik Rindal, PhD
> Natural History Museum
> P.O. Box 1172
> Blindern
> 0318 Oslo
> Norway
> Tlf: + 47 402 24 872 / 22 85 18 72
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