[Nhcoll-l] Fwd: WG: Closure of Archaeology at Sheffield University / 50, 000 times NO to cultural vandalism

Dirk Neumann neumann at snsb.de
Tue Jun 1 12:41:43 EDT 2021

Dear all,

apologies for cross-posting this - University of Sheffield announced to 
should down the Department of Archaeology, which includes the 
zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, human osteology and palaeoanthropology.

Assuming that some NHColl-members might had contacts to Sheffield and 
colleagues working there, and as Zooarch posts popped up occasionally 
here on NHColl as well, I thought this piece might be worth sharing.

The are looking for more people to sign the petition against their 
closure, the link is provided in Umberto Albarella's original post below.

With best wishes



*Von:*Analysis of animal remains from archaeological sites 
<ZOOARCH at JISCMAIL.AC.UK> *Im Auftrag von *Umberto Albarella
*Gesendet:* Montag, 31. Mai 2021 19:49
*Betreff:* 50,000 times NO to cultural vandalism

Dear Zooarchers,

We are now entering a new stage of the campaign to save the Department 
of Archaeology at the University of Sheffield and we need your help! We 
want people to say *50,000 times NO to cultural vandalism*. Please help 
us to reach this objective by sharing the petition even beyond your most 
obvious networks.

https://tinyurl.com/eanznsw <https://tinyurl.com/eanznsw>

Currently we have almost 40,000 signatures, so we need 10,000 more, 
which is a tall order, but we think we can achieve it if everybody else 
is prepared to give us a hand by doing their best in reaching out to all 
possible contacts. The reason why that target is important is that it 
may generate renewed interest by the press, hopefully before 
the University Council meeting of July 12, when the final decision 
will be made.

Thank you!



Umberto Albarella

Department of Archaeology

University of Sheffield

Minalloy House
10-16 Regent Street

Sheffield S1 3NJ

United Kingdom
Telephone: (+) 44 (0) 114 22 22 943
Fax: (+) 44 (0) 114  22 25 109

For MSc in Osteoarchaeology see:


For Zooarchaeology short courses see:


Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology:


Zooarchaeology Review of Central England:


"No one has the right to obey"

Hannah Arendt


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