[Nhcoll-l] formalin ethanol

Roberta Salmaso roberta.salmaso at comune.verona.it
Thu Jun 17 03:09:26 EDT 2021

Hi All, 
in 2014 Kareen Schnabel (NIWA) wrote on the list: 
“...we found the easiest is to get thin cut-off strips of our Byron Weston paper, run a waterproof marker down the length of it and dip the end into the liquid. Ethanol will make the waterproof marker run, formalin won't...” 
This is what I usually do to tell formalin from ethanol, but I am wondering who first had this idea. 
The guys at NIWA? Is there a paper that mention this method? 
Thank you,

Roberta Salmaso 
technician zoology dept. 

Musei Civici di Verona 
Museo di Storia Naturale 
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