[Nhcoll-l] formalin ethanol

A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl
Thu Jun 17 05:13:32 EDT 2021

Alternatively, you can just dip a little torn-off piece of paper (without putting any marker ink on it) into the fluid; in ethanol it will sink immediately; in formalin it will float for a long time. We also use this knowledge for easily adding paper registration labels to formalin or glycerine preserved specimens. By first dipping our with (Rotring) isograph black pigment ink hand-written registration number labels in ethanol, the label will quickly sink to the preferred place on the bottom of the jar.

Regards, Dries

Andries J. van Dam<https://www.linkedin.com/profile/preview?vpa=pub&locale=en_US> | curator-conservator

Anatomical Museum | Directorate of education | Leiden University Medical Center | Building 3 (V3-32)
P.O.Box 9600 | 2300 RC Leiden | The Netherlands
Visiting address: Hippocratespad 21 | Tel: +31 (0)71 52 68356 | E-mail: A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl<mailto:A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl>
Website: https://www.lumc.nl/onderwijs/faciliteiten/anatomisch-museum

Scientific associate | Natural History Museum London | http://www.nhm.ac.uk<http://www.nhm.ac.uk/>

From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Roberta Salmaso
Sent: donderdag 17 juni 2021 9:09
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: [MOGELIJK SPAM ! *****] [Nhcoll-l] formalin ethanol

Hi All,
in 2014 Kareen Schnabel (NIWA) wrote on the list:
“...we found the easiest is to get thin cut-off strips of our Byron Weston paper, run a waterproof marker down the length of it and dip the end into the liquid. Ethanol will make the waterproof marker run, formalin won't...”
This is what I usually do to tell formalin from ethanol, but I am wondering who first had this idea.
The guys at NIWA? Is there a paper that mention this method?

Thank you,


Roberta Salmaso
technician zoology dept.

Musei Civici di Verona
Museo di Storia Naturale
lungadige Porta Vittoria 9
I - 37129 Verona

+39 045 8079417-9400

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