[Nhcoll-l] SPNHC 2023 - Great time to buy plane tickets

Laura Eklund leklund at calacademy.org
Mon Jan 23 16:08:33 EST 2023

[image: Macintosh HD:Users:mflannery:Documents:Calacademy:Covid-19 work at
home:SPNHC 2023:photos:from photosforwork.com:Airplanes:513641.png]

Now is the time to get great deals on flights

to San Francisco, California for

SPNHC 2023

28 May - 2 June 2023

According to the news, airfares are low right now. Don’t miss your
opportunity for a cheap flight from the airline or travel site of your
choice. While you are at it, go ahead and register here
<https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/events/3926/registrations/new> and book
your accommodations in the conference room block at the Hilton Union Square

Don’t forget, abstracts are due February 6!! Please visit our abstract
submission page <https://www.calacademy.org/spnhc-2023/symposia-workshops>
for guidelines, key dates and instructions for submitting your talk or
poster abstract.

Please visit the SPNHC 2023 conference website
<https://www.calacademy.org/spnhc-2023> for more information.  We look
forward to seeing you all  in San Francisco!

*Apologies for cross-postings*
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