[Nhcoll-l] Supplier in California for jars and lids for fluid preserved collections?

Dirk Neumann d.neumann at leibniz-lib.de
Sat Sep 2 05:06:13 EDT 2023

Hi all,

agree with Doug that jars culinary jars are widely used, and this is not only Le-Perfait jars. Snap-on lids may perform differently, a general problem with snap-on plastic lids (as with other plastic lids) is, that plastic is ageing and if they start to fail usually entire batches in the collections fail more or less simultaneously. All with famous Copenhagen jars know this all too well.

Recently had a very interesting exchange with a company producing metal twist-on lids. There are also a couple of changes after the ban of PVC as liner in metal lids (which is related with the banning of the plasticizer Bisphenol A from usage for food containers), about which we don't know too much at the moment.

The different categories of inner coatings, including specific coating to withstand acetic, strong acetic and salty fillings (Link<https://www.pano.de/files/public/downloads/en/Pano_Blueseal_Datenblatt_EN_5.0.pdf>; screenshot below); classes S4 & S5 have a three-layer coating and surely would be preferable for our purposes as well.

With best wishes

[cid:part1.66RdtZem.LyMv65LB at leibniz-lib.de]

Am 02.09.2023 um 01:45 schrieb Douglas Yanega:
For less-than-critical storage (such as bulk samples) we have often used various sizes of Mason jars (both Kerr and Ball), and - for very long-term storage - culinary jars with gaskets and a latchable lid, rather than anything from specialty suppliers.

These aren't exactly manufactured for museum specimen storage, but we honestly have had very, very few problems with them, over a 25-year time span for many of them.

Note that for the kinds of specimens we store (arthropods), there's no evidence that any chemicals from the gaskets of either type of jar are problematic, so it really comes down to preventing alcohol from evaporating, and they seem to do this pretty well, aside from the smallest size of the Mason jars (4 oz.), with which we've had some problems. Not sure why it's only the smallest jars that are troublesome.

Are we deluding ourselves about the longevity of these jars?



Dirk Neumann
Collection Manager, Hamburg

Postal address:
Museum of Nature Hamburg
Leibniz Institute for the Analysis
of Biodiversity Change
Dirk Neumann
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
20146 Hamburg
+49 40 238 317 – 628
d.neumann at leibniz-lib.de<mailto:d.neumann at leibniz-lib.de>

Stiftung Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels
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Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts;
Generaldirektion: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof (Generaldirektor), Adrian Grüter (Kaufm. Geschäftsführer)
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Vorsitzender des Stiftungsrates: Dr. Michael Wappelhorst

Stiftung Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels
Postanschrift: Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, Germany

Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts;
Generaldirektion: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof (Generaldirektor), Adrian Grüter (Kaufm. Geschäftsführer)
Sitz der Stiftung: Adenauerallee 160 in Bonn
Vorsitzender des Stiftungsrates: Dr. Michael Wappelhorst
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