[Nhcoll-l] Interactive/Dynamic Keys

Tommy McElrath monotomidae at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 11:04:19 EST 2024

Hey Seth, 
“Distinguish” by the Species File Group is an open-source solution that allows you to build your matrices in TaxonWorks and deploy them via GitHub pages: https://github.com/SpeciesFileGroup/distinguish/?tab=readme-ov-file 

I’ve built interactive keys in LUCID https://www.lucidcentral.org/ before as well, and I honestly prefer Distinguish/TaxonWorks over their proprietary process. 

The barrier to entry is a bit higher, as you’ll have to learn to use matrix and key-building tools in TaxonWorks, then deploy them with GitHub, but it’s free and the development team and very responsive to questions. https://speciesfilegroup.org/events.html 

Hope you find a tool that works for you! 


Insect Collection Manager

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> On Feb 8, 2024, at 1:37 PM, Seth Raynor <Seth.Raynor at colorado.edu> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Together with two of my colleagues at University of Colorado, we are embarking on a comprehensive investigation of the lichen biota of Colorado, which will include numerous new state records/range extensions, species new to science, etc.
> As such, we foresee that draft identification keys that we write now will need to be massively reworked in the coming months and years.
> We are reaching out to ask if any of you have recent experience with writing interactive/dynamic or otherwise online, easily amenable dichotomous keys. If so, what are your favorite platforms, and why? Are they proprietary or open access?
> Hoping to hear some feedback from those of you with some expertise and experience in this area!
> Thank you for the time and help in advance!
> Best,
> Seth Raynor
> Graduate Student | Manzitto-Tripp Lichen Lab
> University of Colorado
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