[Carillon-info] Carillon Concert this Friday, July 27th!

Yale Summer Carillonneurs yalesummercarillon at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 08:33:05 EDT 2018


This week we are thrilled to be joined by Kevin Wang and Jonathan Shao,
both Yale College Class of 2017!  Kevin is a member of the Guild of
Carillonneurs in North America, and they have both been playing the
carillon for almost five years now.  Kevin will be studying at the Yale
School of Medicine this fall, and Jonathan works for the Music in Schools
Initiative at the Yale School of Music.  On Friday, they will take us
through the "Evolution of Music", from Pachelbel's Canon in D to Queen's
Bohemian Rhapsody.  You can find their program and bios as well as the
details for the final two concerts this summer in the attached program

As usual, admission is free, the gate on Library Walk near High Street will
open at 6:30pm, and the concert will begin at 7:00pm.

Indoor seating in Branford College will be available if the weather is not


Paul and John

Paul Stelben & John Mori
*yalesummercarillon at gmail.com <yalesummercarillon at gmail.com>*
(203)-892-9512 | (404)-375-7565
Yale Summer Carillonneurs
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