[Carillon-info] Carillon Concert this Friday, August 3rd!

Yale Summer Carillonneurs yalesummercarillon at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 10:42:22 EDT 2018


We are excited to welcome Laura Ellis from Gainesville, Florida!  Laura is
a member of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America and currently teaches
organ, harpsichord, and carillon at the University of Florida School of
Music.  This Friday she invites us through a musical landscape, from Five
Dutch Seascapes to The Bells of Cuzco and everything in between.  You can
find her program and bio as well as the details for the final concert this
summer in the attached program booklet.

As usual, admission is free, the gate on Library Walk near High Street will
open at 6:30pm, and the concert will begin at 7:00pm.

Indoor seating in Branford College will be available if the weather is not


Paul and John

Paul Stelben & John Mori
*yalesummercarillon at gmail.com <yalesummercarillon at gmail.com>*
(203)-892-9512 | (404)-375-7565
Yale Summer Carillonneurs
 Program Booklet Final.pdf
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