local sightings

bill and Dale droberts03 at snet.net
Wed Aug 1 22:56:26 EDT 2001

               Today was a great day to be out whatever you were doing.
Had my first Viceroy (two of them) of the year today at a gravel pit in
Painted lady-1
American lady -1- little tiny thing
Red Admiral-2- old and beat up
Great Spangled Fritillary-15+
Pearl Crescent-70+
American copper-3
Least Skippers-3- summer brood is out at my house
Tawny edge skipper-1- looks fresh must be second brood also
My catnip is covered with Dun skippers and still some Black Dash about.
My little population of Mullberry Wings peaked out at about 45
individuals down in the swamp, jostling for position on the 15 swamp
milkweed plants there. The field was mowed today so I guess they'll
disperse somewhere.
My home gardens have the usual suspects (Monarch 6, Eastern Tiger
Swallowtail 8,
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth 3, Buckeye 1, Eastern Comma 1,) in good
numbers and a very good year for Black swallowtails (3 today) in my neck
of the woods.
   I'd like to hear what the rest of you all are seeing these days, this
site has been a little quiet lately, everyone must be on vacation?

Bill Yule

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