Bio-Blitz butterflies

Clay Taylor CTaylor at
Mon Jun 11 13:07:53 EDT 2001

Hi All -

    This past weekend, I attended the Bio-Blitz sponsored by the Ct State Museum of Natural History, held at Tarrywile Park in Danbury.  Rich Chyinski and I were the "official" CBA representation, but contributions came in from many others, including Andy Brand, John Himmelman, Frank Gallo, Patrick Dugan, Dave Wagner, Vic DeMasi (and family), Ed Force, and others (forgive me if your name was omitted).

    The overall total number of organisms identified was 2519, of which 32 were butterflies, and 364 were moths, for a lep total of 396.  Finding 32 butterflies in CT in early June is a pretty good total, and the 500+ acre park had some really nice habitats to roam around.

    Top finds were Milbert's Tortoiseshells (Vic DeMasi's daughter found them), and a flyby Giant Swallowtail that had a badly damaged right hindwing, giving it a VERY odd flight pattern.  No individual numbers were tallied, but I have filled in my estimates for certain species.

Black Swallowail - multiple
Giant Swallowtail
E. Tiger Swallowtail
Spicebush Swallowtail
Cabbage White - few
Clouded Sulphur - very few
Orange Sulphur - very few
(NO coppers!)
Spring (Cherry Gall) Azure
Pearl Crescent - common
Question Mark 
E. Comma
Mourning Cloak - mostly pretty worn, also numerous caterpillars
Milbert's Tortoiseshell - at least three or four present
American Lady - common, mostly worn
Painted Lady
Red Admiral - abundant - up to six or seven visible at one time in many places!
Red-spotted Purple
Little Wood Satyr - abundant
Common Ringlet - just emerging
Silver-spotted Skipper - uncharacteristically scarce
Northern Cloudywing - Vic DeMasi
Juvenal's Duskywing - pretty battered, but still flying
Least Skipper - 40+
European Skipper - abundant - had we done a systematic count it would have approached 5000+
Peck's Skipper
Tawny-edged Skipper - few
Long Dash - 100+
Little Glassywing - only saw one
Hobomok Skipper - abundant - 1000? (including one Pocahontas)
Zabulon Skipper - saw one female

Hope more people can help out with next year's event (site to be determined).

Clay Taylor

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