Great Day at Hammonasett

Robin Matterfis madisonmontessori at
Fri Sep 9 20:06:52 EDT 2005

It was a great afternoon for Monarch tagging at Hammonasett today!  My mom, Sharon, and I tagged 32 (4F; 28M).  We saw atleast 35 - all nectaring.  One of the males we tagged yesterday was mating with an untagged female.  We left them alone  :D
We also a bunch of Painted Ladies
2 Black Swallowtails (1F;1M) 
1 Silver-spotted skipper
Several Hummingbird Clearwings - they are so interesting!
Russ at the Nature Center said someone was tagging in the morning and he thought she had good luck.
-Robin Matterfis
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