caterpillar question

ButterflyPR at ButterflyPR at
Thu Aug 10 21:24:15 EDT 2006

Yesterday, at my mother's house in Westport, my daughter and I saw the most adorable caterpillar.  It was about an inch long, most of the top covered with black and yellow stripes, with a white border all around.  It looked very soft and fuzzy, more rug-like than tussocky.  Looking in the caterpillar book, the closest we got was Spotted Tussock, but it didn't have those long white tufts, just a soft white border all the way around.  The unfortunate things was, it was next to the swimming pool, and when I went to get my camera, it went down between two flagstones and was never seen again.  Anyone have any other thoughts?  Perhaps it was an early instar of the Spotted Tussock?

Also in Westport--at least 6 Monarchs (also brought home 4 eggs, 3 of which have hatched), 2 Tiger Swallowtails, 1 Eastern Tailed Blue, at least 1 Peck's Skipper, at least 1 Broadwing Skipper, and several Cabbage Whites (and possibly some other skippers that I didn't get a close look at).

in Chester
currently living with 7 Monarch chrysalides, 4 caterpillars, and 1 egg in the kitchen
and adults outside on the buddleia

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