Butterfly Walk in Groton 10am Sun Sep 4

Skip Short skipshort at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 31 11:59:01 EDT 2011

Leave you hurricane clean-up behind for a few hours, It's a great time of
year for butterfly observation:


Sunday September 4, 10 AM  (Rain date Sept. 5)  

Haley Farms, Groton, Leader: Richard Chyinski  860-859-1326


Search an abandoned 260 acre farm -- lots of fields and reverting pastures
with shrubby edges. Species seen on past trips include: Ocola Skipper, Fiery
Skipper, Leonard's Skipper, and Cloudless Sulphur. This is one of the best
spots to find late season species. Easy to moderate walking. Wear sturdy
shoes, bring water and sunscreen.


Directions: From I-95 exit 88, go south on Rte. 117 for 1.1 miles, left on
Rte.1 for 1 mile, right on Rte.215 for 0.6 mile, right on Brook St. for 0.5
mile, right on Haley Farm Rd. for 0.1 mile to park entrance.


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